(May - August 2022)
'The Perfect Crime' is a Neo-Noir exploring the space between binaries, where no character is 'good' but no character is entirely 'bad' and they all exist in the grey zone between.
When Nancy is interviewed by Police Detective Walker following her Husband's death, will they ever bring his murderer to justice?
I love the Film Noir genre and I knew I wanted to set a Noir film in modern times, subverting stereotypical characters such as 'the femme fatal'. I love writing characters that sit between the binaries and by creating characters that were all flawed but all have redeeming qualities I hoped the audience would be forced into an active state, consciously having to choose their Allegiance.
Pre-Production was a lengthy process and began with the sketching of the story and characters and then the writing of the script. Then I began simultaneously Casting and preparing for the shoot days by creating storyboards, shot lists and call sheets.
Written, Directed & Produced by Molly McGuinness
Nancy Barton - Sarah Mayhead
Detective Walker - Courtney Williams
Raymond Barton - Max Asater
Airport Announcement - Nicola Franklin
Cinematographer - Molly McGuinness
1st AD - Dan Bauge
2nd AD - Hannah Stevens
3rd AD - Max Asater
1st AC - Hannah Stevens
Gaffer - Dan Bauge
1st Sound Engineer - Dan Bauge
2nd Sound Engineer - Max Asater
3rd Sound Engineer - Molly McGuinness
Test shoots began, to work out exactly how certain colours and lighting set-ups would work when converting the RAW colour footage into Black and White. I chose to shoot in colour and to convert into black and white in post, as this ensures I was capturing a depth of colours stopping the black and white footage from looking flat.
Once the cast and crew were finalised we had 3 shoot days in total - one studio day to capture all the interrogation scenes and the final shot of the film, and two days in the house capturing the flashbacks.
Post-production covered the entire editing process, from sound mixing to grading and was finished 4 months after the conception of the film.
Editor - Molly mcGuinness
SPFX Makeup - Molly McGuinness
Set Decorator & Costume Supervisor - Molly McGuinness
BTS Photography & Videography - Hannah Stevens
Casting Director - Molly McGuinness
Props Provided By the Blackout Armoury
With Special Thanks To:
Dan McGrath
Rob Mullins
Steve Cale
James Bale
Carolina Silva
Jackie McGuinness
Philip McGuinness