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Analytics and Why they are important

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

It’s Easter.

It’s officially time for growth and new beginnings and there is actually a way to track your businesses reach and audience growth across social media and on the web, through analytics.

What are Analytics?

Analytics are essentially numbers and statistics in graphs and charts all about your audience, making it really easy to understand what’s going well, what you can improve on and how you can best utilise this information.

Social media analytics might look like the demographic of your audience, for example age, gender and their geodemographics, location, and even what time they are most active across social media.

Website analytics may differ depending on who you have built your website with e.g. Wix, Google sites etc. However they should all tell you the amount of visitors overall, broken down into pages. They should tell you their location, what device and operating system they are visiting your website on and how they were referred to your website eg. through google, instagram, facebook ect. It should also tell you their landing page and the bounce rate which is the percentage of people who arrive on your website and immediately leave.

Why are they Important?

All this information is vital to planning advertising campaigns.

Learning the demographic your content is reaching means you can see if your campaigns and posts are actually reaching your target audience and if they aren’t you can assess why not and make changes. Learning the times of day your target audience is most active means you can then adjust your posting times accordingly ensuring you maximize the amount of your audience you are targeting. This also works for your website and working out what it is that causes a high bounce rate and stopping it. Working out if your website is being accessed by the right geodemographics for example if your a local high street business that doesn’t sell online, there is no point in people the other side of the world showing interest on your website. You are not necessary just chasing high volumes of traffic and followers, if they aren’t in your target audience and analytics helps you target your target audience more effectively.

Social media analytics are free and all you need is for your account to be public. Website providers will differ but most will have an analytics add on which you have to pay for, however google analytics is free.

I regularly use analytics and it is an invaluable tool in helping to understand your audience and helping to grow your reach and help target your target audience.

Next month I’ll be breaking down the Instagram Engagement Report, helping you find out the best ways to up reach and engagement on Instagram.

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I look forward to hearing from you and seeing how I can help elevate your brand or business.

If you have any suggestions for future blog posts or need any quick advice, please feel free to contact me with your suggestions or questions.

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